Saturday 15 December 2012


Wow! What a coincidence it just so happens to be that my birthstone is Ruby. Pretty much suits the 'Scarlet' theme don't you think? And the flower would be Larkspur, hmm first time I heard of the name, but I've seen this flower. I'm not really a flower sort of person, but this flower appears awesome!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Chap 2: Ambitions

I find it surprising how people plan out their whole life, they know exactly what they want to be .

For me , it doesn't work like that, others may have the same view as me, I'm sure of that ...
Where do ambitions come from? You can't just simply know it or maybe you can.

I've spoken to plenty of people who tell me they are doing something in either school, college, uni and career just because someone told them to. Or pressurised them in doing so, i.e. friends, parents, relatives

Now I am certaintly not saying you shouldn't listen to what they are telling you to do, it's in fact great that your listening to your parents or whoever. But note this, these are only suggestions from people who won't be correcting your mistakes throughout your own life. You don't have to take them as obligations, they are nothing but advices to aid you on perhaps what you want to make out of life. And that's what I take them as with all respect provided to the one who suggested what I should do...

Another thing that is possible is to do what they suggested as a part-time or hobby which ever you find beneficial to you.

Now this is the obvious and consistent advise I have always given to people who ask me;
Do what you love/ like and enjoy, that is always the easiest one. Do it while your young, when you can change your mind. Not something that makes you deeply regret. Something good for you and others.

Personally, I want to do something so that I can pay back to the ones I care about, for helping  me throughout life, I wouldn't be what I am and want to be if it were not for them.
Normally people have doubt in this, but has the person even tried to accomplish it? 
Now I'm not trying to be a goody too-shoes by saying everything will work out perfectly, but only you can decide how you want to take it.

I'll finish this with a quote:
"Do a job you love, then you never have to work a day in your life" Confucious. 

Saturday 8 December 2012

Chap 1: London Dungeons (Continued)

After my visit people were asking the usual 'was it good?'question. Well I have to say it was indeed scary the whole special effects, lighting and it suddenly going dark creeped the jeepers out of me, so much so that I had to cling onto my friends the whole time, and they to me. Let's not forget the gruesome bits and having to constantly look over your shoulders. Of course-- it was the London dungeons.

I have to admit, I wasn't really enthusiastic about this place, it didn't really attract me until I went in. I never thought of how much I love the modern London as compared to the historical one that actually made me cringe with disgust. There were several gory actors, a few rotting corpses lying here and there, a talking head! The rides were amazing and creepy. But I and others do think it should have been much longer. The whole experience was 90 minutes long, rather short don't you think? Also the gift shop was rather pricey, not everyone who walks in there is rich y'know!

Enough of me ranting, the most common question asked about the experience would be 'Was it worth the money?'
Well I guess that depends what kind of person you are: If you are more of a ride-thrill seeker, than I would really recommend a theme park, Thorpe park would do the trick. However if you are more interested in the history of London more simply life and fear in the dungeons, well step right in.
Personally, I think I would never go back again, it was one of those YOLO things ( Gosh I hate using that term, but it makes sense in this context!

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Chap 1: London Dungeons...

There's nothing more entertaining than your own life
I will be heading to the London Dungeons! I have been hearing a lot of rumors about it
'it's scary', 'I wouldn't recommend it', 'It's absolutely brilliant' 'It's gruesome and dark'.
Well, as of soon, I'll be the judge of that!

Why the 'Scarlet'?

I wouldn't say scarlet's my favorite colour but it is a beautiful colour, and it has a nice ring to it..
You may not be a fan of Japanese manga, but they all have a story to it, like a comic book but a thousand times better and without the sonic language 'BOOM' 'CRASH' 'SMACK'. I don't know about you, but I find that ANNOYING.
Anyway back to the 'scarlet' and the 'manga', I noticed that all mangas subtly represent the character of the mangaka (author). You know when their stories are amazing because they are well thought-out, like the manga 'Apothecary Argentum' Such a historical and interesting manga, never in my life have I learned more about the birth of medicine than in this manga. Now I'm  not saying that I lack knowledge in medicine, but that mangas are like movies, so entertaining.

The 3 scarlets have pretty much influenced me: see if any pique your interests:=)
 'Scarlet Palace'
war-torn kingdoms struggle for power in Ancient China, a deadly yet beautiful struggle also emerges in the seraglio of the King of Ding (King Xun)! In order to gain the terrifying King Xun's favor, Ninghu's family is determined to make her the future Queen, but King Xun is not interested in his other concubines at all. Not willing to become just another neglected concubine, Ninghu disguises herself as an eunuch servant to her brother Yuanren, the second most powerful eunuch and adviser in the kingdom. However, the moment that she enters the Scarlet Palace, Lingyu, the most influential and favored eunuch, suspects that she is a girl and begins to investigate her (read more:

'The Scarlet Chair'
Hiiro no IsuSetsu is a tomboy who lives in the small village Niolz and she's been participating in various Martial Arts Comepetitions in order to earn enough prize money to travel to the capital Bazen where King Lucaria resides... Luca, her childhood friend who left in order to ascend the "Scarlet chair" as the last rightful heir of the royal line. However when she finally arrives there and gets a glimpse of the King she's shocked to find a stranger in his place (Read more:

 'The Scarlet Kimono'
 An amazing book I have read on the unexpected adventure of a 17 year old English girl Hannah during the 17th Century. Who rebels against her arranged marriage to a middle-aged man  by setting sail to the culturally different Japan. She does this by acting as a stowaway on her brother's exportation ship. 

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