After my visit people were asking the usual 'was it good?'question. Well I have to say it was indeed scary the whole special effects, lighting and it suddenly going dark creeped the jeepers out of me, so much so that I had to cling onto my friends the whole time, and they to me. Let's not forget the gruesome bits and having to constantly look over your shoulders. Of course-- it was the London dungeons.
Enough of me ranting, the most common question asked about the experience would be 'Was it worth the money?'
Well I guess that depends what kind of person you are: If you are more of a ride-thrill seeker, than I would really recommend a theme park, Thorpe park would do the trick. However if you are more interested in the history of London more simply life and fear in the dungeons, well step right in.
Personally, I think I would never go back again, it was one of those YOLO things ( Gosh I hate using that term, but it makes sense in this context!
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